Grey Divorcées Should Sign Grey Prenups


In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the number of empty-nesters and retirees who’ve gotten divorced. It makes perfect sense not to spend your golden years in a broken relationship, but once you’ve found a new relationship, you should bear in mind that it too could break. That’s why we at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates, P.C. recommend that grey divorcées sign grey prenuptial agreements.

Here are a few points to consider:

  • The impact of your divorce on your finances — Getting your freedom was great, but it probably came at a cost. For many grey divorcées, that means less in the retirement fund and long-term alimony payments. A prenuptial agreement can secure your remaining wealth against the possibility of another divorce.
  • Your desire to leave a legacy for your children — Who gets your wealth if you pass away unexpectedly? Unless you’ve planned explicitly — with a will, a living trust or a prenuptial agreement — your new spouse might inherit much of the wealth you’d rather pass to your children. Then when your spouse dies, your children could be totally shut out.
  • None of us is getting any younger — With age comes infirmity, and sudden disabling injuries or illnesses are more likely. A prenup can spell out how you are going to deal with long-term care issues.

Of course, many seniors will decide that once through the divorce mill is enough. So, rather than getting married, they’ll simply cohabitate. But it still helps to put forth a clear, explicit statement of the relationship in a cohabitation agreement.

At Bryan L. Salamone & Associates, P.C., our attorneys work closely with you to create prenuptial agreements tailored to your needs and your stage of life. Call on the resources of Long Island’s largest and busiest divorce and family law firm to achieve your goals.

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