Should You Attempt to Restore Your Marriage After a Divorce?

It’s not unusual for divorced couples to reconcile down the road and consider remarriage. But is this really a good idea?

First, let’s look at the statistics. One study indicates that 67 percent of second marriages and 73 percent of third marriages will end with a divorce. However, in a survey of partners that got divorced and then married each other again, approximately 72 percent stayed together.

However, every relationship is different, and in potential cases of reconciliation there are some reasonable causes for concern. The time apart from each other may have caused each spouse to forget exactly why they got divorced in the first place. If they rush the relationship back into remarriage, they could risk entering into another marriage before those issues become evident once again.

If you are trying to decide whether restoring your marriage is a good idea, consider the following questions:

  • Has there been a significant change in the personality of one or both spouses? Perhaps you have both matured over time, or one person has resolved personality issues that caused a breakdown in the marriage. You can’t expect things to go much differently if you both are exactly the same person when trying to reconcile.
  • Do you have a reasonable, common set of expectations? Your ability to successfully reunite depends on you setting realistic expectations for yourselves and your marriage.
  • Are you willing to go through counseling before reconciling? If you are at all considering getting back together with your ex, you should have a professional help you to talk to each other and resolve any lingering issues that may still hang over the relationship.
  • How will such a relationship affect your children? If you and your ex-spouse have children together, you need to strongly consider how your remarriage would affect them emotionally and logistically before you make any hasty decisions.

If you have been considering reconciling with your former partner, obtain legal dependable legal advice about remarriage from the Long Island divorce attorneys at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates.

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