Tag Archives: negotiation

Is Divorce Contagious Within a Group of Friends or Family Members?

At one time or another, you might have felt that “everyone” around you was getting divorced. Though that might not have been literally true, most of us experience a period of time when an unusual number of friends or family members seem to be ending their marriages at the same time. Is it just a… Read More »

How the Divorce Mediation Process Works

While every divorce is different in some ways, those that go through mediation will generally go through these basic phases. Introduction In this phase, you provide the mediator background information about your relationship, and the mediator provides an overview for what you can expect out of the mediation process. Based on the information provided by… Read More »

How a Child’s Age Can Influence Custody Disputes

In the past, many jurisdictions in the United States relied upon the tender years doctrine in child custody cases. This doctrine essentially created a presumption in favor of the mother in custody disputes involving children under a certain age. Most states, including New York, have departed from this doctrine as an officially recognized principle of… Read More »

How an Attorney Can Help During Divorce Mediation

Divorce litigation can be lengthy and expensive. Court and attorney fees are high and waiting for a hearing can take months. Additionally, court-ordered divorce settlements often end up being all-or-nothing arrangements that skew in favor of one party or the other. For divorcing couples who are still able and willing to work together, litigation alternatives… Read More »