Divorce Disputes

When a couple decides to break up, there are a number of things needing settling between them. Unfortunately, all too often the parties are bogged down in major battles over minor issues. Sometimes anger and bitterness can get the best of one or both of them.

A skilled divorce lawyer can help negotiate through the areas of dissension. Your lawyer has been through the difficult phase that often arises and knows how to argue for fairness in your breakup.

The areas where disputes arise include the following:

  • Spousal support. The amount of maintenance or alimony, and who pays it to which party.
  • Child support. How much support is owed for any children and who pays what amount.
  • Visitation. Holidays and vacations as well as regular visits need resolving.
  • Child custody. Custody can be joint, shared, or sole.
  • Division of property and debts. Marital and non-marital assets must be determined and apportioned, and so must outstanding debts.

When children are involved, the best interests of the child are paramount in a divorce. The parties must learn to keep their squabbles to themselves and not use their children as a bargaining chip. Support and visitation are completely separate issues that do not depend on each other. After your divorce, when circumstances change, you can seek a modification to the terms of the order. This applies for issues such as increased visitation, change in custody, and change in support.

Our lawyers are available to discuss all aspects of your divorce — and to fight for your best interests.

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