Divorcing Your “Starter Spouse”

Divorcing Your “Starter Spouse”

Some observers believe that a rise in the divorce rate can be partly attributed to the “starter spouse” trend that has been noticed among Americans in their 20s and 30s. Celebrities such as Katy Perry and Kim Kardashian are examples of younger adults who married someone, waited to have children and went their separate ways after a relatively short period of time when the relationship did not work out. Like Kim and Katy, many veterans of short, early marriages end up starting a family with someone else after their divorce.

If the starter marriage concept sounds familiar, and you believe it’s time to seek new horizons in your life, it’s probably time to consult a qualified lawyer. You can discuss elements that are common in starter divorces, such as:

  • Simpler finances — The shorter a marriage is, the less time there is for spouses’ finances to become intertwined. This usually means that the division of marital property is easier during a starter divorce. Each party might still have their own accounts and contributions to marital assets only need to be traced back for a few years. Likewise, younger couples might not own a home or have substantial retirement investments.
  • Decreased likelihood of alimony — Frequently, both spouses will continue to work full-time until they start having children, so alimony might not be necessary when a childless couple divorces. Even if the divorce does include a stay-at-home spouse, someone who has gotten married relatively recently should have little trouble returning to the work they previously did prior to being wed. This means that most people coming out of a starter marriage should require little or no spousal support because they are able to meet their own financial needs.
  • Lack of custody and child support issues — A defining characteristic of a starter marriage is that the couple does not have any children. With no chance of disputes over custody, child support and visitation, your starter divorce has a much better likelihood of going smoothly.

Most young and childless couples can take advantage of the simple divorce solution offered by Bryan L. Salamone & Associates, P.C. As the leader in Long Island divorce representation, we understand how to tailor the New York marriage dissolution process to each client’s situation and needs. To learn about your options in a free initial consultation, please call 1.631.479.3839 or contact us online.

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