How to Best Handle Finances with Your Former Spouse

How to Best Handle Finances with Your Former Spouse

Arguments over finances are some of the most common reasons people file for divorce. But unfortunately, even after the divorce is finalized you still have to deal with some financial issues with your former spouse.

Below are some tips to guide you through these financial disagreements after getting a divorce:

  • Defer to the divorce decree: Your first step should always be to see exactly what the divorce decree says. If you’re having a disagreement over something that’s covered in the actual divorce paperwork, then it should be rather simple to resolve the argument. There’s always the very real threat of legal action if your ex-spouse fails to follow through on a financial responsibility that was clearly assigned to him or her.
  • Know how to prioritize issues: In divorce, as in marriage, it can be important to pick your battles. Is it really worth getting into a massive argument over payment for non-essential items? Try to see matters from your ex’s perspective. Chances are they won’t want to feel like they’re getting forced to pay for something they don’t feel is a priority. Determine how big of a priority that issue is to you before you decide it’s something worth fighting over. If you cause a huge argument over every disagreement, it provides less incentive for your former spouse to cooperate even with simpler financial matters.
  • Stay in touch: Regular communication about certain financial matters is healthy, as hard as it can be to talk to your spouse after the divorce is finalized. You can keep that communication strictly business, but as long as both parties are kept up to speed with all important financial matters, that will go a long way toward avoiding arguments.

For further guidance on this and other issues related to your New York divorce, speak with a skilled Long Island family law attorney at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates today.

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