Research Shows Marriage in Late-20s Reduces Divorce Risk

A recent analysis of research from a sociologist at the University of Utah found that couples are less likely to divorce when they enter into a marriage in their late 20s rather than earlier in life.

The researcher, Nicholas Wolfinger, stated that individuals’ risk of divorce gradually declines from when they are teenagers through their late 20s. However, once a person enters their early thirties, risk of divorce increases again. Wolfinger’s research demonstrated that the age of 32 is a tipping point for single individuals; after this age, a person’s likelihood of becoming divorced increases by five percent each year.

In his analysis, the sociologist explains that many individuals in their late teens and early twenties aren’t emotionally mature enough to handle marriage, and as a result have a higher likelihood of divorce. He also noticed that marrying at a younger age could be related to lower levels of education which have been known to increase divorce risk.

As an explanation for why those over 32 years of age experience a progressive increase in divorce risk, Wolfinger noted that those individuals might simply not be best suited for marriage. He continued by stating that following the age of 32, those who delay marriage do so because it may be difficult to find a appropriate partner, and that these individuals are selecting from a group of people who, like themselves, are at higher risk for divorce. This theory is what Wolfinger describes as the “selection effect.”

It is to be noted, however, that Wolfinger’s analysis of marriage and divorce trends is not applicable to every personal situation, but is rather a generalized interpretation of statistics.

If you believe your marriage may be headed for divorce and would like more information on appropriate next steps, meet with a dedicated family law attorney at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates, P.C.

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