Tag Archives: spousal support

The Great Mommy War

Are your romantic problems now your math problems? For women who are married and are marrying men with an ex-wife, they will be affected by the alimony situation that came out of his first marriage. Belinda Luscombe’s article in TIME magazine highlights the struggle between first wives and second wives. 1 The TIME magazine article… Read More »

Divorce Disputes

When a couple decides to break up, there are a number of things needing settling between them. Unfortunately, all too often the parties are bogged down in major battles over minor issues. Sometimes anger and bitterness can get the best of one or both of them. A skilled divorce lawyer can help negotiate through the… Read More »

Spousal Support in New York

When a couple splits up, one of the major areas of dissension that must be addressed is spousal support, which is also often referred to as maintenance or alimony. Marriages of a very short duration generally do not involve an award of spousal support. The requirement that one spouse pay the other spousal support, whether… Read More »