Tips for Working Seamlessly with Your Divorce Attorney

Tips for Working Seamlessly with Your Divorce Attorney

Your divorce attorney is perhaps the most valuable resource available to you during the divorce process. To that end, it’s important for the two of you to develop a good working relationship so that you can collaborate toward your goals.

What steps can you take to make matters easier on your attorney and set you up for greater success? Below are some tips:

  • Listen to your attorney’s advice: You hired your lawyer because you trusted his or her knowledge and experience in their field. So why wouldn’t you listen to the attorney’s advice? Your attorney might not always tell you what you want to hear, but will definitely tell you what you need to hear. If your lawyer has advice for you, it’s in your best interest to take it seriously.
  • Be an active part of the process: Any good divorce attorney will want you to take an active role in the decision-making aspects of your case. Ultimately, it is your life you’re dealing with moving forward. You should have a say in the decisions you make and the goals you have in your divorce.
  • Be a strong communicator: Throughout the divorce process, your attorney will get in touch with you to get some important information and documentation. You should respond with the requested information as soon as you can to keep the case moving along. Otherwise, your divorce will drag on much longer than necessary. Plus, for some documents, there are specific rules related to the timeframes in which they must be collected and turned in.

If you are about to get divorced and need strong legal counsel working for your best interests, consult an experienced Long Island divorce lawyer with Bryan L. Salamone & Associates.

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