Using an Expert Witness in Your Divorce

Using an Expert Witness in Your Divorce

Some divorces, such as those involving business interests or particularly high-net worth individuals, are inherently more complex than the average divorce. The more complexities that exist, the more beneficial it is likely to be for your case to use expert witnesses.

Expert witnesses are people who are highly qualified within their particular field who can lend testimony in an area of the divorce that is related to their field and knowledge. Factual evidence of the case must support their testimony for it to be of any value to the party who uses that testimony.

Expert witnesses include testifying and non-testifying experts:

  • Non-testifying experts: These expert witnesses offer written statements, recorded videos or speeches or any other evidence for the case that does not require them to come to trial.
  • Testifying experts: These expert witnesses offer oral statements in person at trial regarding evidence related to the case, thus putting their identity and expertise into court record. They may be subject to cross-examination or interrogation, and are typically paid for their services.

Depending on the circumstances, these expert witnesses could be appointed by the court, or one of the parties could hire them independently. Expert witnesses can include medical professionals, therapists, property appraisers, financial investigators or analysts, income analysts and social workers, though there are innumerable subject areas in which the insight of an expert witness could be beneficial during the course of a divorce.

Your attorney can help you devise a strategy that makes the best use of an expert witness’s services. For more information and guidance, speak with a trusted divorce lawyer at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates.

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