What is Post-Separation Abuse?

What is Post-Separation Abuse?

Choosing to leave a marriage that is no longer working is an important step forward, but problems often continue past the separation, and sometimes they get worse. Post-separation abuse is a common phenomenon, and it involves much more than physical violence. An abusive spouse might try to cause financial or psychological harm in order to maintain control and/or gain an edge during divorce proceedings.

You should consult with your attorney immediately if you are victimized by some form of  post-separation abuse, which can include:

  • Counter-parenting and alienation — Individuals with abusive personalities often look to attack where their victims are most vulnerable. Sadly, this means that a couple’s children’s might be caught in the middle of cruel power game. One example of this is counter-parenting, where one parent intentionally contradicts the other, possibly by allowing the child to engage in an activity that their co-parent prohibits. An abusive parent might also try to drive an emotional wedge between their children and their ex by criticizing or lying about them. This type of alienation could have severe, lasting negative effects on the parent-child relationship.
  • Harassment and stalking — Abusive partners sometimes stalk their exes on social media, send harassing emails or texts, make threatening calls and otherwise find ways to continue dominating and controlling their former partner. In certain situations, this misconduct might be an indication that an individual is capable of physical violence.
  • Financial and legal intimidation — The abuser might disregard court orders, cause deliberate delays in proceedings and make threats of legal action, all to control the other person. Financially, the abuser could block access to credit cards and bank accounts or refuse to pay support.

Taking legal action might be the best way for victims of post-separation abuse to stop the mistreatment. If you are being abused by a former partner, call us immediately and we will advise you of your options, which might include petitioning for an order of protection. If your partner violates the order, you can call the police and have them arrested.

Bryan L. Salamone & Associates, P.C. is known for quick and decisive action to help victims of post-separation abuse. Let us help you find peace and safety. Call our Melville office at 1.631.479.3839 or contact us online right away. We will not charge you for the initial consultation.

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