What to Do When You Receive Your Divorce Decree

What to Do When You Receive Your Divorce Decree

Once you receive your divorce decree, your divorce has been officially finalized and it’s time for you to move to the next stage in your life.

Make sure you read your divorce decree thoroughly as soon as you get it. This document contains all the information you need to know, including your obligations after the divorce. It also gives you an opportunity to find any mistakes and correct them. You should immediately notify your divorce attorney if you notice any such issues.

Once you have carefully read through the decree, the following are the steps you should take moving forward:

  • Fulfill all your obligations: Your divorce decree will provide you with a list of obligations and tasks, along with due dates that may apply. Add this information to your calendar and make sure you follow through on all those obligations so that you do not violate the divorce agreement. In addition, put all your former spouse’s obligations on your calendar and make sure you let your attorney know immediately if that person fails to meet a deadline or follow through with an obligation.
  • Update documents as needed: After your divorce is finalized, you may need to update some documents and policies, including insurance policies and beneficiaries, estate planning documents, other accounts with beneficiaries, tax withholdings and emergency contact information.
  • Relax and move on: The divorce process can be long and stressful. Take some time to focus on yourself so that you can relax and recharge. Go on a trip, spend time with friends and family, join a gym or do anything else that will give you something positive to focus on and to keep your energy in a good place.

To get sound legal counsel in your divorce, meet with an experienced Long Island divorce lawyer at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates.

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