Why You Should Consider Mediation Before Filing For Divorce

Why You Should Consider Mediation Before Filing For Divorce

You may already know the benefits of using mediation as a tool during the divorce process. But mediation before you file for divorce can help you resolve some important issues as well.

Here are a few examples of some of the benefits associated with pre-filing mediation.

  • Less adversarial: Rather than immediately filing for divorce from your spouse, you will take action together on a joint petition with the court. Both parties file together, rather than one taking legal action against another. It can help set up for a more collaborative, less adversarial process.
  • Faster process: Pre-filing mediation helps you to streamline the divorce process. You’ll discuss all issues related to child custody and support, division of assets and debts and anything else that will need to be resolved. Once you’ve agreed on the issues, there will be a final judgment issued, meaning everything gets decided before officially filing the divorce, and as such there will only be a single court date.
  • Financial savings: The cost for a joint petition can be less expensive than the traditional method of divorce, and by streamlining the process through pre-filing mediation you cut down on the amount of time spent on your case, meaning fewer legal fees to have to deal with.

Pre-filing mediation is a beneficial option for couples who know they are going to divorce and who have not had significant degradation in their ability to communicate or be cordial with each other. For more information about what pre-filing mediation might entail for your specific case, we encourage you to contact an experienced Long Island divorce lawyer at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates.

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