Why You Should Find a Law Firm That Focused on Divorce Before the Pandemic Started

Why You Should Find a Law Firm That Focused on Divorce Before the Pandemic Started

The coronavirus has put a strain on all of our lives, our businesses and our public institutions, including the courts. Across New York, most courts were closed for an extended time earlier in the pandemic. They have since reopened, at least partially, in most areas, so citizens can have their legal issues resolved as timely as possible under the circumstances. As the reopening trend hopefully continues, it is important to remember that our courts are made up of people who, like the rest of us, seek out familiarity in times of stress. Familiarity should matter to anyone looking for a divorce attorney. Specifically, is the law firm you’re considering well-known in the area and well-established in this field of law?

An attorney who has practiced divorce law and related areas of law for many years will be familiar to local family court judges. That could be an advantage for you as a client, because again, judges are under stress and like any person are apt to take solace in the familiar. In these trying times, where qualities like patience and steadiness are valued, a lawyer who has proven to have such characteristics provides a value that a client wouldn’t get by hiring a less experienced attorney.

Business closures have been a common problem during COVID-19. The legal world was not immune, and many lawyers, unfortunately, were laid off this year. Some of them took up family law full-time after this happened. However, it will take time for these new family lawyers to build up experience and a reputation in the courts.

As a client, you are putting yourself in a better position by retaining a law firm that already has experience and reputation. Moreover, an established firm is likely to have more resources available to support your case, whether it’s financial resources, human resources and staff or access to a network of expert witnesses who can bolster your side of the argument. In an uncertain time, you are better off being represented by a firm that already has some equity with judges.

Bryan L. Salamone & Associates, P.C. is home to a team of Nassau and Suffolk County lawyers with decades of experience in Long Island’s family courts. We focus exclusively on divorce and family law, and we have the reputation that can make a difference to a call. If you would like to speak with one of our attorneys, please call 1.631.479.3839 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation.

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