Tag Archives: prenuptial agreement

What is a Post-Nuptial Agreement?

Many people are familiar with prenuptial agreements, also known as prenups, because celebrities and the super rich routinely get them to protect their wealth when they marry. But another legal contract becoming popular is the postnuptial agreement or postnup. As the prefix post suggests, it is created after the marriage takes place. There are many… Read More »

Same-Sex Marriages, Prenuptial Agreements, and Divorce Issues

In June 2011, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed a bill allowing same-sex marriage[CK1] in New York. With this new law, many gay couples are enthusiastic about having a right previously reserved for straight couples. But while they now have the advantages of marriage, such as joint property and spousal rights, they also face… Read More »

The Economics of Divorce

When people consider the cost of divorce, they usually focus on the most obvious expenses involved, such as the attorney, filing, and court fees to process the divorce. But the economics of divorce go far beyond the cost of the divorce itself. The need to split up property between parting spouses may require selling a… Read More »

New York Same-Sex Prenup Agreements

In June 2011, New York joined a short list of U.S. states that allow same-sex marriage. Marriage licenses are now issued to gay couples in the following states plus the District of Columbia: Massachusetts Connecticut California Iowa New Hampshire New York New Jersey, Hawaii, and Illinois permit civil unions with state-level spousal rights. But while… Read More »