Red Flags to Watch For in Your Children During Divorce

Red Flags to Watch For in Your Children During Divorce

It’s easy to get caught up in your emotions during the divorce process. However, it’s important to remember the process can be just as emotionally traumatizing for your children as it is for you. You must keep a close eye on them, and work with your spouse (no matter how difficult it is) to watch for signs of emotional stress and anxiety.

Here are a few of the biggest red flags to watch for in your children during the divorce process.

  • Self-harm: While people most commonly think of self-harm as being a phenomenon among teens and tweens, it can manifest in various ways among children of all ages. Watch for signs of self-harm, including cuts and bruises, and take appropriate action as soon as you see any signs.
  • Frequent emotional outbursts: If you notice your child lashing out emotionally more frequently than normal, this could be a sign that they are overburdened by the emotional trauma of the divorce. They might harbor resentment against you or the other parent, or they may be experiencing some significant depression or anxiety. Comfort your children as much as possible and consider seeking therapeutic assistance from a professional.
  • Sleep difficulties: Difficulty sleeping can be a sign of emotional distress in children. If you notice they’re having a hard time with their usual routines, you might try something else to help them sleep better, including even sleeping in the same room as them for a couple nights to help them feel more secure.
  • Withdrawal: If your children withdraw from their friends, loved ones or things they enjoy doing, this could be a sign of depression. Encourage them to express themselves emotionally and be there for them in any way you can.

For more tips about how to deal with emotionally distressed children during a divorce, contact an experienced Long Island lawyer at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates.

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