What You Should Know About Financial Fraud and Divorce

What You Should Know About Financial Fraud and Divorce

Every now and then, fraud and concealment of assets can play a role in a divorce case, making it more complex and ultimately leading to a stronger result for the victim of that fraud.

However, uncovering the fraud or concealment of assets is not always an easy task. Even if you are able to uncover some circumstantial evidence, you must be able to prove there was fraudulent intent behind your spouse’s actions.

Here are a few of the more common red flags indicating the potential for fraud or concealment of assets:

  • Mail being rerouted to a work location, or sudden new mail coming in for your spouse
  • Spending more time on devices or being secretive about what they are doing on those devices
  • Strange, frequent cash withdrawals from bank accounts
  • Giving or loaning money to friends and family without your knowledge or consent
  • Sudden, unexplained changes in your spouse’s habits and general behavior
  • Frequent lying or deceptive behavior
  • Typical deposits and paychecks suddenly not showing up in bank accounts, either at all or to the usual level
  • Attempts to conceal details of financial transactions from you

The more red flags you notice, the more likely it is there is something unusual going on with your finances. The longer your spouse has the access necessary to commit fraud, the more likely it is he or she will be able to get away with it. And the more time that passes after the fraud occurs, the harder it will be to trace exactly what happened to the money and get access to the necessary records.

For more information about detecting fraud during divorce, consult an experienced divorce lawyer with Bryan L. Salamone & Associates.

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