Do You Need a Parent Coordinator?

In high-conflict divorce matters, the use of a parenting coordinator is sometimes suggested. What is a parenting coordinator, and can one really help?

According to the American Psychological Association, parenting coordination is a nonadversarial dispute resolution process ordered by a court or agreed to and paid for by parents. For families routinely using lawyer-assisted negotiation and litigation to resolve disputes, the use of a parenting coordinator can assist in the following ways:

  • Help parents make decisions on behalf of their children to implement their parenting plan
  • Suggest educational and other resources to parents so that children can enjoy a balanced,  positive parenting environment in both households
  • Arbitrate decisions concerning education, medical care and other serious parenting challenges
  • Reduce legal fees
  • Provide an opinion to the court on contested matters

Through mediated intervention, parenting coordinators can reduce the stress, threat and hostility witnessed and experienced by children during and after divorce. But consider other features of a parenting coordinator:

  • The court retains legal authority over all decisions should a parent decide to return to court.
  • Parenting coordinators charge fees.
  • The possibility of a parenting coordinator aligning with one parent or the other is just as likely as that of any other professional during a high-conflict divorce.
  • Parenting coordinators add another layer (and another professional) to likely already-overpopulated cases.

A parenting coordinator may be the best choice for you. It also may be that the parenting time arrangement in your case is simply not right and should be legally revisited in a forthright manner rather than having to pay fees to a parenting coordinator for months or years. While you consult your parenting coordinator, life and childhood proceed.

If you’re caught in a high-conflict divorce, talk with us at Bryan L. Salamone and Associates, P.C. We will fight for a resolution in your case that works.

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