Monthly Archives: December 2015

What Factors into Alimony Decisions in New York?

Alimony, also known as spousal support or spousal maintenance, is often paid by one spouse to another during or after a divorce. Many factors are considered when determining the alimony amount for New York couples that are deciding to end their marriage: What is alimony? Alimony refers to court-ordered payments that are put in place… Read More »

Internet in the Bedroom

For over twenty years the internet has been blamed for breaking up marriages. Why not bring the internet into the bedroom? The United Kingdom publication “The Register”, reported on November 15, 2002 that over 80% of divorce lawyers in an annual conference in Chicago said the internet has played a significant role in the divorces… Read More »

How to Enforce Alimony Payments in New York

When a judge awards alimony to a former spouse, it is a legally enforceable court order that must be fulfilled. Despite this, it is all too common for individuals to fall behind on spousal support payments. If you stopped receiving alimony from your former spouse, you may need to take action to have the payments… Read More »