Tips to Help Your Relationship Survive the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tips to Help Your Relationship Survive the COVID-19 Pandemic

Divorce lawyers and sociologists expect to see a significant bump in divorce numbers during and after the stay at home orders that have been handed down for the COVID-19 pandemic. For couples who are already having difficulties, being trapped in confined spaces with each other means fewer opportunities to avoid difficult conversations about the issues they’re facing.

Here are a few tips for couples experiencing difficulties to get out of the pandemic with their relationship intact.

  • Plan for some alone time: You do not have to spend every waking minute of the day together just because you’re both spending extended time at home. Plan some time for yourself to read, reflect or relax. It can be very beneficial to your mental health to take a walk alone to get some exercise and fresh air and have some time to yourself.
  • Create your own work stations: Communicate with your partner about your needs for work, and develop an understanding that just because you’re physically at home does not mean you can interact with your partner as if you were not working. Make sure to warn your partner if you have a video or conference call.
  • Keep dating: It’s easy to get stir crazy with stay at home orders in effect, but you should plan some at-home dates to make sure you’re still giving your relationship the attention it deserves. Order takeout from local restaurants, set up at-home picnics, watch movies together, and just create a special time where you’re able to spend positive time together
  • Communicate: This should be a rule at all times of your relationship, but it’s a skill you can spend some time working on during the pandemic. Always communicate about everything—communication issues are at the root of so many divorces.

For more tips for keeping a strong relationship through the pandemic, contact an experienced Long Island divorce lawyer at Bryan L. Salamone & Associates.

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